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\'Large/luxuryLarge/luxury cars made since 1900

Large/luxury cars made since 1900. Note that some cars are still awaiting categorization. Click on a model name to see the technical specifications, pictures, rating, discussions, etc. You can also sell or buy these cars through our efficient Free Car Classifieds.

Please tell us about Large/luxury cars not included, preferably with specifications. We would also be greateful for submission of photos where such are missing.

Specifications and pictures on Cars++ will stay free to everybody.

Large/luxury cars modelsYearPicture
Bentley 3 Litre1921Submit a picture
Renault Torpedo GS1920Submit a picture
Sunbeam 121912Submit a picture
Buick 411911Submit a picture
Chevrolet C1911Submit a picture
Sunbeam 121910Submit a picture
Lancia Alpha 511908Submit a picture
Fiat 35-45 hp1907Submit a picture
Peugeot 481907Submit a picture
Fiat 24-32 HP1905Submit a picture
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